Yogis in the Woods: A Trail Work Party Adventure

The day started early with sunshine so bright you’d hardly notice the hour. After a quick breakfast, I hopped into the adventure-mobile to pick-up Kendra and Bekah. With a loop around Green Lake, we headed north to Wallace Falls State Park for a trail work party lead by our friends at the Washington Trails Association.

LeeAnne, our fearless leader, met our trio and the fellow volunteers in the parking lot at the trailhead to the falls. Some were seasoned (one volunteer counted the day as trail work party number 35!) and others were brand new like us. What we didn’t have in experience we made up for with excitement and an eagerness do well by our group leaders.

After a crash course in tools and their proper use, we were off to the trail. Kendra built a rock wall, Bekah graded earth, I carried buckets, and we all made many new drainage routes to keep trails dry and mud puddle free. We worked through the day in teams and as individuals, one shovel and ditch at a time. But we did so much more than move some dirt around. We took care of something we love in order to ensure accessibility for others, both strangers and friends, so that they might love it too.

Feeling mighty yet humbled by our diverse band of merry mountain workers, we finished the day looking forward to planning our next trail work party. What a thrill to give energy back to our natural spaces! Plus, who doesn’t love getting dirty working hard alongside great friends with good karma?